
Meet Our Team

Dr. Megha G H
Professor & HOD

Dr. Madhusoodhan R Bhovi

Dr. Ashwini G S
Associate Professor

Dr. Dasappa T V
Assistant Professor

Dr. Shruti B Ghodageri
Assistant Professor

Dr. Prachi Dubey
Assistant Professor

Dr. Shashank M
Assistant Professor

Dr. Raghu S P
Assistant Professor

Dr. Peram Srividya
Assistant Professor

Dr.Raghunath Deepalui
Assistant Professor

Dr.Kiran Kumar C K
MBBS., MS., DNB.,Neuro Surgeon
Assistant Professor

Dr.Jeevith M
Assistant Professor

Dr.Nagarjun T R
MBBS., MS.,MCH., Plastic Surgeon
Assistant Professor

Dr.Ashwini B G
Assistant Professor

Dr.Anitha S
Assistant Professor

Dr.Anil Kumar R M
Assistant Professor

Dr.Basavaraj H R
Senior Resident

Dr.Kiran Badiger
Senior Resident

Dr.NNL Rajitha
Senior Resident

Dr.Choudhary Shubham Chandrakant
Junior Resident/PG

Dr.Manohara Aradhya K S
Junior Resident/PG

Dr.Rahul Jain
Junior Resident/PG

Dr.T R Kecheri
Junior Resident/PG
About Department
Anesthesiology : is the medical specialty concerned primarily with the total preoperative care of patients before, during and after surgery. Anesthesiologists are indeed preoperative physicians. It encompasses anesthesia, post-operative pain management, intensive care medicine, and critical emergency medicine. Acute and chronic pain management also form an integral part of the specialty. The specialty- course deals with study of anesthetic agents to meticulously support patient’s vital functions through the perioperative period. Anesthesia is a specialty where newer pharmacological agents and innovations in the techniques happen time and again. Anesthesia is fast developing into a safe and diligent branch of medicine where precise and explicit outcomes are anticipated. In some countries anesthesiologists comprise the largest single cohort of doctors in hospitals, and their role can extend far beyond the traditional role of anesthesia care in the operating room, including fields such as providing pre-hospital emergency medicine, running intensive care units, transporting critically ill patients between facilities, and rehabilitation programs to optimize patients for surgery.
The department of Anesthesiology, at BMCH has competent faculty capable of providing utmost patient care in all the specified areas and disseminate the same skills to the students. ‘Lifeline of the hospital’ is an apt word for our department, which caters to all emergency and intensive care requirements of the Hospital. It is the horizontal and not the vertical hierarchy functioning, that makes the outcome exceptionally par excellence, both in terms of teaching-learning activities and patient care. The MCI has very recently permitted for the admission of three PG seats. This is in itself a stamp of approval of a large number and variety of cases managed, regular teaching programs and the involvement shown by the students in an altogether enriching learning environment. Postgraduates are being trained in pre-anesthetic evaluation, all sub-specialties of anesthesiology, intensive care, pain and palliative care. They have a structured program of practical training on rotational basis in all sub-specialties of anesthesia to make them confident of handling variety of patients. They are also presenting seminars, journal clubs and clinical cases as per the RGUHS guidelines. They are evaluated periodically for their proficiency in theory as well as practical work. Postgraduates are also trained to conduct a scientific clinical research by the way of dissertations. They are allowed to conduct elective as well as emergency cases under the direct supervision of concerned faculty.
Doctors in the department of anesthesiology induce anesthesia for patients of all age group including pre-term infants to Geriatric age. Department has facilities for anaesthetizing patients coming for surgeries under various departments like General Surgery, Obstetrics and Genecology, Orthopedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Pediatric Surgery, Cardiac Surgery and Oro-facio-maxillary Surgery. Anesthesia services outside OT include Pre-anesthetic evaluation clinic, Electroconvulsive therapy, and during Endoscopies., Anesthesia for CT and MRI. Department has a variety of airway gadgets like Laryngoscopes, Laryngeal Mask Airways, Fiberoptic bronchoscope, bougie etc. for managing difficult airways. Other facilities include invasive blood pressure monitoring, Peripheral nerve stimulator for giving nerve blocks, non fiberoptic bronchoscopy, BIS monitoring, cardiac output monitoring. A team of trained Anesthesiologists is involved in various forms of treatment such as Labour Analgesia and chronic pain management. They are involved in Intensive Care of patients admitted in various ICUs. Patients requiring anesthesia services here are generally sicker, with multiple co-morbid diseases like diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, respiratory diseases, renal failure, deranged liver function etc who require advanced monitoring and expert handling to ensure safety, faster recovery and better outcome of the patients.
Dr. Megha G H, Professor & HOD
1. Madhusoodan R B, Bilateral Illioinguinal nerve block for post-operative pain relief and Maternal behavioral response following lowe segment casesarean section under General Anaesthesia – Clinical Trail Paripex- Indian Journal of Research Volume Issue 12 December 2015 ISSN 2250-1991 Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
2. Megha G H1,*, Ashwini G S2, Raghavendra T3. Efficacy of phenylephrine and ephedrine in maintaining maternal blood pressure intraoperatively during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia, 3(2)Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
3. Ashwini GS1, Megha GH2, Rakesh Alur T3. A Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing I-Gel Supraglotic Airway and the Classic Laryngeal Mask Airway. Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2019; 6(6) (Part – I): 1895-1897 DOI:
4. Megha GH1, Ashwini GS2 A Comparative Study of Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Values in Relation with Time and Temperature Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2019; 6(6) (Part – I): 1969-1972 DOI:
5. Megha GH1, Kamala GR2. A Comparison between Ultrasound Guided and Conventional Technique of Brachial Plexus Blockade by Infraclavicular Approach. Indian Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia 2019; 6(6) (Part – I): 1981-1983 DOI:
Dr. Madhusoodhan R Bhovi. Professor
1. Madhusoodana R B, Bilateral Illioinguinal nerve block for post-operative pain relief and Maternal behavioral response following lowe segment casesarean section under General Anaesthesia – Clinical Trail Paripex- Indian Journal of Research Volume Issue 12 December 2015 ISSN 2250-1991 Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
2. Madhusoodana R B, A Prospective Clinical Study of 100 Cases of Early Termination of pregnancy (upto 8 weeks ) by Manual Vaccum Aspiration Tecnquie , Global Research Analysis , Volume : 2/ Issue 12/Dec 2013 –ISSN No 2277 -8160 Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
3. Dr.Madhusoodana R B, Ultra Fast Tracking in Anaesthesiology During Surgery for atrial Septal Defect (Asd) Closure Using Laryngeal Mask Airways IJSR, International Journal of scientific Research Volume 5/Issue 1/January 2016 ISSN NO 2277 -8179 Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
4. Dr.Madhusoodana R B, A clinical Study of prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and associated risk factors ar t tertiary care centrein Karnataka, India, International Journal of Reproduction Contraception, Obstetrics and Gyneocology, 2015 Dec 4,6 1840 – 1845, pISSN 2320-1770/eISSN 2320-1789Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
5. Dr.Madhusoodana R B, A comparative study of ephedrine infusion with the preload of Crystalloids for prevenetion of hypertension during spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section.
Dr. Ashwini G S, Associate Professor
1. Ashwini G S1, Kamala G R2, Ramesh.K3 A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Controlled Study Evaluating the Effects of Dexmedetomidine on Haemodynamic Status in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy. Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia, 2015;2(4):227-234 Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
2. Megha G H1,*, Ashwini G S2, Raghavendra T3. Efficacy of Phenylephrine and Ephedrine in maintaining maternal blood pressure intra operatively during spinal anesthesia for caesarean section Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia,January-March,2016;3(1):108-114 Indexed in Indexcopernicus.
Our facilities located within the Department include:
Pre- anaesthetic clinic
Post Anaesthesia Care Unit Critical care unit
Palliative care
Pain clinic
Department library
Department museum
Department research lab
Clinico pathological conference
Death review meetings
Skill Lab