About Department
The department was established in the year 2000 as part of the medical College offering Bachelor’s degree in medicine. The department is located in the second floor of the college building. It has two lecture halls situated on the same floor, with a capacity of seating 100 students each. The department is well-designed with excellent infrastructure which includes well equipped laboratories for hematology, amphibian study, mammalian study, and for research. Each laboratory has capacity to accommodate 60 students. Department also has a demonstration room with seating capacity of 90 students and a departmental library containing 200 books. Power point presentations of lecture classes are made available for the students if required. Following instruments are available.
Cycle Ergometer
ECG + Cardiart 6208 – BPL Machine
Computerized Spirometer – Schiller
Harward step test
Perimeters, Mossos Ergograph
KanyaKumari D.H, Nataraj S.M. Devaraj H.S.: Glycemic Control and Pulmonary Function Tests in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients; Do They CORRELATE? Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. April-June 2013, Vol. 4, No.2, 124-126
KanyaKumari D.H, Nataraj S.M. Devaraj H.S. Correlation of Duration of Diabetes and Pulmonary Function Tests in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus Patients. International Journal of Biological & Medical Reasearch.2011; 2(4):1168-1170
Savitri P Siddanagoudra, Dasannamalige H Kanyakumari, Santhebachehalli M Nataraj Respiratory morbidity in spray paint workers in an automobile sector. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences. Oct-Dec2012Vol.1.Issue 4., 268-273
KanyaKumari D.H, Savitri P Siddanagoudra, Timmareddy Kataraki. A Study of Forced Vital Capacity in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Chitraduga city, Karnataka. Journal of Biomedical And Pharmaceutical Research; 2014; 3(1);,58-60
KanyaKumari D.H, Savitri P Siddanagoudra, Timmareddy Kataraki. Sources and levels of stress in Dental students. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2014; 9(4); 1342-1348
S avitri P Siddanagoudra, PriyaS. Arjunwadekar, KanyaKumari D.H, Cross sectional study of Pulmonary Function Tests in welders of Bangalore city. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research; June 2015: Vol-4, Issue;3, P 114-121
Kanyakumari.D.H., Savitri.P. Siddanagoudra. Timmareddy Kataraki Psychological morbidity, sources, and Gender correlation of stress in first year medical students. International Journal of Physiology; April-june 2018, vol .6 No.2
Mamatha S.D., Kanyakumari.D.H. Objective Structured Practical Examination/ Objective Structured Clinical Examination as Assessment Tool; Faculty Perception
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology .2018 Vol 8 Issue 11 -
Orthostatic hypotension after whole blood donation with various physiologic strategies to prevent fainting responses Ganashree C.P, Aparna M, Amrutha A.M, Vijayalakshmi M, Prashanth G Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, January-March, 2019;6(1):1-4
Tejashwini.V.Basarigidad,V ineet S Baljoshi, K.F.Kammar. “Changes in Blood Leucocyte Count in Different Trimesters of Pregnancy”. International Journal of Physiology.2015;3(1):62-64.
Tejashwini.V.Basarigidad, Spoorthi B S, Saryu Sain. “A Comparative Study of Variations In Hematological Profiles in Different Trimesters of Normal Pregnancy”. International Journal Of Physiology .2015;3(2) :10-12.
Tejashwini.V. Basarigidad, Saryu Sain, Spoorthi.B.S. “Effect of Exercise on Intraocular Pressure In Relation to Body Mass Index”. Indian Journal Of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology.2015;2(1) :51-55
Siraj Ahmed Shirbadgi, Aftab Begum. 2019. The ECG Change in QRS Complex- A Tool for Evaluation of Heart Disease in Asymptomatic Type II Diabetics. International Journal of Physiology, 7(2), 145-149
Siraj Ahmed Shirbadgi, Aftab Begum. 2019. Dyselectrolytaemia in Middle Aged Type II Diabetes Mellitus – A Harbinger of Cardiac Function Abnormalities. International Journal of Physiology, 7(2), 159-163.
Dr.Siraj Ahmed, Dr.Aftab Begum. Arterial variation of Human suprarenal Gland: A case report. Journal of Biomedical and pharmaceutical Research 8 sept 2013; 2(5):25-26.
Dr.Siraj Ahmed, Dr.Prabhu.M.H. Dr.Aftab Begum. Atherosclerosis of Aorta – An Autopsy Study. Journal of Biomedical and pharmaceutical Research 24 sept 2013;2(5):52-58.
Prabhu.M.H. Siraj Ahmed, Aftab Begum. Atherosclerosis of Coronary Artery – An Autopsy study. Global journal of Medical Research surgeries and cardiovascular system 2013; 13(3):19-24.
Dr.Siraj Ahmed, Dr.Aftab Begum, Prabhu.M.H. Atherosclerosis, segmental involvement and grading of Luminal narrowing of coronary artery: A Autopsy study. Annals of Health and Health sciences, Jan 2014; 1(1): 34-40.
Siraj Ahmed Shirbadgi, Sidramappa Gouda, Dr. G.M. Mahesh, H.C. Govinda raju, Aftab Begum. Plastination: Application in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. South Indian Medico-Legal Association, Sept 2014;6(2):64-68.
Aftab Begum, Siraj A. Shirbadgi. Incidence and clinico- anatomical relevance of pneumosinus dilatans frontalis using computed tomography and in south Indian skulls. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, April-June, 2018;5(2);202-204.
Ganashree CP, Aparna. M, Devaraj MG.“Maximal exercise testing – As it elicits a varied cardiovascular response in perimenopausal women during proliferative phase of menstrual cycle” Pakistan Journal of Physiology, April-June, 2017;13(2):44-45.
Ganashree CP, Aparna. M. “Orthostatic hypotension after whole blood donation with various physiologic strategies to prevent fainting responses” Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, January-March,2019;6(1):1-4.
“Effect of moderate dynamic exercise on QT, QTc and QTd intervals in young obese adults” Ganashree CP, Aparna. M. MedPulse International Journal of Physiology, February 2019;9(2):08-11.
Aparna. M, Ganashree CP,Devaraj MG, Shreevijay Bevinagidad. “Correlation of BMI with sympathetic functions: A harbinger for autonomic neuropathy in young adults” MedPulse International Journal of Physiology, August 2019; 11(2):49-52.
Programs offered
Human Physiology (as per R.G.U.H.S. & NMC regulations) for,
Undergraduate courses – M.B.B.S., B.Sc. Nursing, GNM Nursing & PC B.Sc. Nursing (since inception)
Spacious & well equipped laboratories for conduct of experiments on human volunteers & animals.
Equally spacious & well equipped research laboratory providing facility for cardio-respiratory, exercise, neuro-muscular physiology research.
Library, Lecture hall & demonstration rooms with AV aids & Wi-fi connectivity facilitating smart learning.
Teaching Programme
The Department has introduced a novel way of teaching for the undergraduates in the form of pre-lecture questions. Students have to submit a brief write-up before the class. This will ensure that the students read the topic before attending the class and will have a rough idea. Written tests are conducted after completion of every system. This helps students during their Internal Examinations as well as in University examinations. Micro seminar topics will be given to the students with teachers as moderators wherein each student gets an opportunity to present their assigned topic. We are carrying out small group discussion, early clinical exposure, AETCOM MODULES, field visits encouraging students in all fields Each faculty is assigned as a mentor for a batch of 15-20 students, who will be in charge of their academic activities.
Diagnostic Facilities:
The physiology department has been a service department to the Department of Medicine and Department of Pulmonology, Department of Pshychiatry, Department of Orthopaedics . In the future, the department will be attached to the hospital for carrying out tests for needy patients.
Prospective study of the duration of respiratory viral shedding by RT-PCR in covid-19 patients
PI: Dr.Prashanth G, Dean, BMCH,
Co-Investigators: Ganashree C P
Nalina T
Yogesh D
“Correlation study of BMI with Parasympathetic autonomic functions in healthy adults “at BMCH, Chitradurga .( Dr. Aparna. M, Dr. Ganashree CP).
“Influence of BMI on Carotid Doppler study parameters in healthy adults” at BMCH, Chitradurga.( Dr.Aparna. M, Dr. Shreevijay Bevinagidad, Dr.Ganashree CP).
Participated as Delegate in the One Day Sensitisation workshop for faculty regarding “Competency Based Medical Education” held on 7th August 2019 at BMCH, Chitradurga.
Participated as Delegate in the “One Day Sensitization workshop on Skills” held on 27th September 2019 at BMCH, Chitradurga.
Participated as Delegate in the workshop on “BASIC LIFE SUPPORT (BLS)” conducted by ISA & association with St. Marys Hospital, Ballari on 26th January at Ballari.
Meet Our Team

Dr. Kanyakumari D H
Professor & HOD

Dr. Ganashree C P

Dr. Aftab Begum
Associate Professor

Dr. Aparna M
Associate Professor